aaron lee

I'm a fourth year software engineering student studying at Toronto Metropolitan University. I'm currently working in backend and learning react on the side.

Please reach me at aaron.k.lee@torontomu.ca


Environment Canada: Software Engineer Intern

IBM: Consultant Intern

Genexis Design: Software Engineer Intern


digital art gallery

3D interactive web experience made with three.js showcasing my sister's art

detective board

web tool for creating stylized mind maps built with react


skateboard storage locker secured using an RFID access card controlled by arduino. 2nd in Metropolitan Engineering Competition 2022

inventory manager

full stack e-commerce site to create, search, buy, and sell products in an oracle database

xor solver

neural network that learns to implement logic gates

digital CPU project

ALU designed with Quartus and VHDL to perform arithmetic operations with 8-bit signals.


I also produce music for fun: paths is my newest song.

made by aaron lee